Ayiiia Elizarraras
Ayiiia was the winner on realworldcasting.com. She won the prize because of her loyal family members who worked tirelessly with her in order to win. Ayiiia is of Mexican ancestry and is fluently bilingual in Spanish However, it's the first time that she's traveled in Mexico for an extended period. She speaks her mind. Some of the time she does so with an aggressiveness that makes her adversaries. The reality she discovers at The Real World's home is much more complicated than what she expected. Ayiiia is a newly reformed party girl with a history of cutting and drug use. Ayiiia might be trustworthy and unbiased to people she cherishes, but don't fall into her trap. There is always grudges. Ayiiia had a long-term relationship with a man. Her home was San Diego where she was together with her mom and looking for a new home for her to reside prior to the reunion. It was revealed during the reunion that she along with Jonna were not together due to problems they had during filming.
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